Health for all - World health day


World Health Day this year's theme is "Health for all"

Health For All means that health is to be brought within reach of everyone in a given country.

And by "health" is meant a personal state of well being, not just the availability of health services – a state of health that enables a person to lead a socially and economically productive life.

Health For All implies the removal of the obstacles to health – that is to say, the elimination of malnutrition, ignorance, contaminated drinking water and unhygienic housing – quite as much as it does the solution of purely medical problems such as a lack of doctors, hospital beds, drugs and vaccines.

World Health Day’s message is simple: giving people access to healthcare without the prospect of financial hardship.

WHO asserts, that countries which invest in universal healthcare will make a “sound investment in their human capital”; but also “protects countries from epidemics, reduces poverty and the risk of hunger, drives economic growth.



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