What a qualified dietician or nutritionist is...get your myths cleared.

What a qualified dietician or nutritionist is...get your myths cleared.

Look where you are risking your health at....

With being healthy, fit, losing weight becoming the talk of the town there are many health diet and  nutrition experts springing up....

Let's take a look at what goes in becoming a qualified dietician or nutritionist.

- A bachelor's degree in food science,  nutrition or dietetics (3yrs)
Or a post graduate diploma (1.5yrs)
Or a masters degree (2yrs) in the same from a recognized university with a 6months internship in the same...

So a qualified professional would take 5-7 yrs in making....

Whereas let's have a look here.... Whom you shouldn't hand over your health

- the one who is selling a nutrition product calls himself or herself a nutrition or health coach or an expert.... Doesn't charge you for consultation but only for the Products.... Which cover more then the consultation...

- a person who has lost weight earlier ....feels knows most of the things and now is ready to HELP others to achieve the goal with so called diet advices.... Think ..experiences can help you....but food can be a tricky subject. A banana can cause weight gain in some... Help relieve constipation in someone... Yet help in acidity in other... This is core.... 

Such experts instead can motivate others whole heartedily

- Someone doing a short term 3-6 months course.... As a lot of glamour attached to this field .... And label themselves as dietician.

Good nutritionist or dietician should have an evidence-based approach, continually pushing themselves to learn and advance their own knowledge.

Be a smart client... Inquire about the credentials of the person whom you are consulting. After all it's just not about losing weight but about nourishment... Being healthy inside out.


#qualifieddietician #dietician #nutritionist

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